Companies are searching for solutions that will help them succeed
in today's demanding business environments. They need
innovative solutions that will help control and reduce operating
costs, increase productivity, boost profits and deliver products
and services more efficiently and more cost-effectively. In
short, they need solutions that will strike the most productive
balance between human and technology resources. Computer
Telephone Integration, or CTI, represents the next frontier in
technology solutions for meeting and exceeding these business challenges.
Helping companies do more with less is what CTI is all about. In this regard, NEC
has established, first and foremost, the FUSION Integrated Environment. Built on
any of the NEAX® communications platforms and a wide variety of third-party
applications, the FUSION Integrated Environment cohesively integrates diverse
hardware and software elements for advanced CTI functionality. Such an environment
enables today's information worker to dramatically enhance the operation of
their most commonly used business tools: the telephone and the personal computer.
Individual empowerment is a personal phenomenon that manifests itself throughout
the entire organization, one workstation at a time. Through CTI applications
(products that allow individuals in specific areas to excel in their daily tasks),
FUSION enables businesses to realize their competitive market and profitability
potential at dynamic new levels of operation.
NEC's NEAX family of telecommunications systems offers rich functionality and
valuable benefits to today's information-driven businesses. By providing a range of
open interfaces between external processors, such as mainframes and personal
computers, with the internal processors of NEC's voice platforms, NEC brings
control of telephony features and related call information right to the user's desktop.
Open Applications Interface (OAI)
OAI (Open Applications Interface) combines hardware and software to empower
the user with robust and flexible computer/telephone integration. Application
processors, or computers, can be linked in either UNIX or Windows® NT® server
environments, empowering any Local Area Network (LAN) to provide unsurpassed
access to innovative telephony features. OAI employs a standard protocol, which
conforms to the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model established by the
International Standards Organization (ISO). In addition, because OAI supports
current industry CTI standards, NEC's platforms offer a versatile, open architecture.
Emerging technologies such as IP Telephony are easily supported and can
be rapidly deployed with NEC's computer telephone connectivity solution, OAI.
Industry standard CTI interfaces such as TAPI (Telephone Application
Programming Interface) are supported via OAI.
Because OAI facilitates a two-way data interchange, it allows both the telephone
and the computer to maximize powerfully integrated communications applications
that can be designed and implemented by the customer, NEC, or through one of
NEC's Fusion Strategic Alliances Partners. These powerful applications deliver
departmental work group and personal productivity solutions throughout your
organization. |